Ranchi, Oct. 7: BJP state president and former CM Babulal Marandi has written a letter to Chief Minister Hemant Soren saying that there is corruption in the energy department. In his letter, Marandi said that the Jharkhand Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (JUSNL) has floated a tender. But for this, approval has not been taken from the Jharkhand State Electricity Regulatory Commission (JSERC). He said that the tender has been issued for Chandil and Koderma grid sub-stations, the estimated cost of which is Rs 169 crore and Rs 213 crore. He said that floating a tender without the approval of JSERC is a sheer misuse of government funds. If this expenditure is not justified at the time of determination of electricity tariff in the future, then the JSERC will not consider it in determining the tariff, he added.
Marandi told the CM that as per the order of the High Court, a threshold limit of Rs 175 crore has been fixed by JSERC. If any work has to be executed above it then it has to be done through TBCB and not through RTM. Still, work worth Rs 213 crore is being done against the rules. He said that the tender was also floated for Balliapur and other places. On which the JSERC’s approval has not been taken. He said that the Chief Minister is also the Minister of the Energy Department and without his blessings, the officials cannot commit such a big mistake.