Chandigarh, Jan 5: During a raid on the premises of former Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) MLA Dilbag Singh on Thursday, the Enforcement Directorate recovered 5 crore in cash, illicit firearms manufactured abroad, 300 bullets, more than 100 liquor bottles, 4/5 kg of bullion and other items.
The Enforcement Directorate has also informed about the retrieval of properties related to former INLD legislator Dilbag Singh and his associates, both within India and overseas.
Enforcement Directorate raided the premises of former Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) legislator Dilbag Singh and Haryana Congress MLA Surinder Panwar on Thursday.
The raids were carried out in relation to a case involving illicit mining.
Searches were conducted in 20 locations in Haryana, including Chandigarh, Yamuna Nagar, Sonipat, Mohali, Faridabad and Karnal, according to the sources.
The Case
The money laundering investigation is rooted in multiple First Information Reports (FIRs) filed by the Haryana Police. These FIRs aim to investigate the purported unlawful mining of boulders, gravel, and sand in the Yamuna Nagar region and adjacent districts. This activity allegedly occurred beyond the designated lease period and in violation of court orders.
The investigative agency is also examining potential fraudulent activities related to the ‘e-ravan’ scheme. This online portal was introduced by the Haryana government in 2020 with the aim of streamlining the collection of royalties and taxes, as well as preventing tax evasion in mining areas.