Hathras, July 9: The Special Investigation Team (SIT) probing the stampede incident during a Satsang in Sikandrarao of Hathras district of Uttar Pradesh has held the organizers and officials guilty in its report.
Based on the report, the state government on Tuesday suspended six people including the concerned Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) and Police Circle Officer (CO).
SIT did not rule out the possibility of conspiracy in the stampede
An official statement has been released providing information on the SIT’s investigation findings. The statement reveals that the investigation committee did not rule out the possibility of a conspiracy behind the stampede.
Additionally, the SIT found the event organizers, as well as the tehsil-level police and administration, to be at fault. Based on the SIT’s recommendations, the SDM, CO, Tehsildar, Inspector, and Chowki Incharge have been suspended for negligence in performing their duties.
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The suspended officials include the Sub-District Magistrate of Sikandrarao, the Police Circle Officer of Sikandrarao, the Station Officer of Sikandrarao, the Tehsildar of Sikandrarao, and the Chowki Incharges of Kachora and Pora.
The stampede occurred on July 2 in Phulwai village of Hathras district during a sermon by Bhole Baba, also known as Narayan Sakar Vishw Hari, resulting in the deaths of 121 people and injuries to 31 others.
SIT holds organisers responsible
The SIT team has held the organizers responsible in their investigation report. The team found that the organizers did not make adequate arrangements to manage the crowd.
The report includes statements from 119 people, including police stationed at the event site and the families of the victims.
The report, prepared by Agra’s ADG Anupam Kulshrestha and Aligarh’s Divisional Commissioner Chaitra V, notes every minute detail before the incident. The team also investigated the report sent by the SDM to the DM, the permissions given to the organizers, and the compliance with the conditions set therein.
According to officials, the organizers had sought permission for 80,000 devotees to attend the sermon, and the administration made arrangements accordingly. However, more than 250,000 devotees attended the event. The organizers hid the actual number of attendees from the police.