Ranchi, August 12: In a proud moment for DPS Ranchi, students Daksha Tayal and Radhika Kabra have successfully cleared the ICAI CA Foundation Exam, showcasing their exceptional academic prowess and dedication.
Both students have demonstrated exemplary hard work and commitment, earning their place among the successful candidates in this prestigious examination. Their success is a testament to their diligence and the supportive educational environment provided by DPS Ranchi.
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Principal-In-charge Dr. R.K. Jha expressed his pride and congratulations, stating, “We are immensely proud of Daksha Tayal and Radhika Kabra for their outstanding achievement in the ICAI CA Foundation Exam. Their success is a reflection of their perseverance and the high standards of education at DPS Ranchi. Congratulations to both of them and their families on this significant accomplishment.”