Jamshedpur, August 23: In a heartfelt homecoming to his alma mater, renowned Bollywood director Sajid Ali, known for his work on films like “Laila Majnu” and “Wo Bhi Din The,” visited Loyola School on Friday morning to address the inter-school event, Azionare.
Ali, who has carved a niche for himself in the film industry, credited the values and ethics instilled in him during his time at Loyola as the foundation of his success.
Ali reflects on his journey from a schoolboy in Loyola to a filmmaker in Mumbai
Recalling his early days, Ali shared a memorable experience from 2003 when he performed his very first skit at Loyola School. “The skit was organized in honour of the then Principal, Father Pius Fernandes, and it was based on the Domicile issue,” Ali reminisced adding “That performance made me realize my talent and passion for storytelling.”
Speaking to this correspondent, Ali reflected on his journey from a schoolboy in Loyola to a filmmaker in Mumbai. “When I moved to Mumbai, I truly understood the importance of the extracurricular activities that Loyola organized. Those activities played a crucial role in shaping my personality and helped me discover my talent,” he said. “Father Pius has always been a guiding force in my life,” he added.
Ali made his directorial debut with “Laila Majnu” in 2018
Sajid Ali, the younger brother of the well-known Bollywood writer-director Imtiaz Ali, began his career in the film industry by co-writing the romantic comedy-drama “Cocktail” alongside his brother. The film, starring Saif Ali Khan, marked his entry into Bollywood.
In 2018, Ali made his directorial debut with the romantic drama “Laila Majnu,” which he also co-wrote. His latest release, “Wo Bhi Din The,” premiered on an OTT platform and received widespread acclaim for its fresh take on the coming-of-age genre.
Loyola School backdrop for his latest film “Wo Bhi Din The”
During his visit, Ali also shared that Loyola School holds a special place in his heart. In fact, the school was the backdrop for his latest film, “Wo Bhi Din The.” The 2024 Hindi-language coming-of-age romantic comedy, co-written with Saurabh Swamy and directed by Ali himself, reflects his deep connection with the school and its values.
Taking a tour of the campus, Ali noted the changes in the school’s infrastructure but was quick to add, “The values and ethics remain the same. Loyola School continues to be a beacon of holistic education, nurturing not just academic excellence but also character and creativity.”
Sajid Ali’s visit to Loyola School served as a powerful reminder of the lasting impact that a value-based education can have on an individual’s life. His words and achievements stand testament to the school’s commitment to fostering well-rounded individuals ready to make a difference in the world.
Father Vinod Fernandes, Principal, Loyola School and Vice Principal Jayanti Sheshadri played a key role in the success of the event.