Jamshedpur, August 23: In response to the recent surge in cases of violence against women, Jamshedpur’s riding community, led by the group Jodi Riders, organized a silent protest and candlelight march on Bistupur Main Road. The event, held near Brubeck on Friday evening, aimed to show solidarity with the victims and demand justice for these heinous crimes.
The peaceful protest brought together hundreds of participants from all walks of life, unified in their stand against rape and sexual violence. As the candles flickered in the evening breeze, the community sent a powerful message of hope and resilience, urging society to take a stronger stance against such acts of violence.
Jodi Riders, known for their social activism in Jamshedpur, spearheaded the march with a clear message: the importance of unity and collective action in addressing the issue of violence against women. “As long as such heinous crimes continue to happen, we cannot remain silent,” said a rider from the group. The atmosphere was one of quiet determination, with participants holding candles as a symbol of light amidst the darkness of these crimes.
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Call for justice and safety, need for systemic change
The march was more than just a protest; it was a call to action for the entire community. “This march is not just for the victims, but for the future of our society, where there should be safety and justice,” emphasized another participant. The march underscored the need for systemic change and the importance of speaking out against violence, advocating for stronger legal measures and greater support for survivors.
As the procession moved along Bistupur Main Road, the candles illuminated the night, each flame representing a collective wish for justice and a safer society. The event concluded with a moment of silence for the victims, a poignant reminder of the lives affected by such violence.
The Jodi Riders and other community members have vowed to continue their fight for justice and support for survivors. The candlelight march is a reminder that while the path to change is long, it is one that the community is willing to walk together, lighting the way towards a brighter and safer future for all.