Maihar, September 3: Police in Madhya Pradesh’s Maihar have successfully captured four members of a gang involved in ATM card fraud, including the mastermind behind the operation. The suspects were brought before the court and have been placed in custody for ongoing investigation.
During the arrest, police confiscated 31 ATM cards from different banks, Rs 8,160 in cash, a Pulsar motorcycle used in the crime, and four mobile phones.
The primary accused, Sanskar Pawar, also known as Bhaiyu, was among those arrested. The three other arrested accused have been identified as Dhaman Sahu, Krishna Kumar Sahu alias Guddu and Ajay Sahu alias Aju.
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The accused have been involved in a series of ATM frauds and other criminal activities across several states, including Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Haryana, Delhi, and Assam.
On August 30, Sangeeta Chaturvedi was defrauded at a Union Bank ATM when a person swapped her card and withdrew Rs 25,000 from her account. The next day, Ramkumar Prajapati experienced a similar scam at an HDFC ATM, losing the same amount to a card swap. Both incidents were registered at police stations under crime number 445/24, section 318(4) BNS.
Recognizing the complexity of these cases, SP Sudhir Agrawal assigned Inspector KP Tripathi and his team to investigate. Using CCTV footage and technical evidence, the police identified the suspects and tracked the vehicle used in the crimes, leading to the arrest of the culprits.