Uttarkashi, Nov 21: In a significant advancement during the ongoing rescue efforts at the Silkyara tunnel collapse, officials achieved successful communication with the trapped workers on Tuesday morning through the 6-inch pipeline.
The rescue team was observed engaging in clear communication with the trapped workers inside the tunnel via the pipeline. The team urged the workers to position themselves in front of the endoscopic flexi camera, which had been inserted through the pipeline. A worker retrieved the camera from the pipeline and held it within the constrained space to facilitate the identification of everyone present.
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The entire group of 41 trapped workers gathered around the camera as instructed by the rescue team. The team then directed the workers to clear the camera’s screen. They informed the workers that the pipeline would undergo cleaning with water and a blower, advising them to return the camera to its original position and move away from both the pipeline and the compressor.
Additionally, the rescue crews stated that after the pipeline is cleaned, food will be supplied once more.
In the video, the workers who were trapped appeared to be in good spirits, displaying smiles and maintaining a stable state of mind. In order to communicate with the rescue squad, the workers were given a walkie-talkie via a 6-inch pipeline.
Previously, breakfast for the workers who are trapped within the tunnel was also prepared. The meals will be delivered to the trapped workers via a 6-inch pipeline.
On Monday evening, the rescue team successfully installed a 6-inch pipe through which solid food and mobile chargers were dispatched into the collapsed portion of the Silkyara Tunnel. Individual communication with the workers was established to gather health updates from each of them.