Ranchi, September 2: The Enforcement Directorate (ED), Ranchi wing, has attached immovable assets worth approximately Rs 1.63 crores belonging to Pramod Kumar Singh, a dismissed employee of the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) from Dhanbad, and his family. The action was taken under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) of 2002.
Investigation based on ACB FIRs
A senior ED official from Ranchi stated that the attachment of Singh’s assets was based on an ongoing investigation.
This investigation was initiated following FIRs registered by the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) in Dhanbad under the Prevention of Corruption Act of 1988 and the Indian Penal Code of 1860.
The FIRs were filed against Pramod Kumar Singh and others for possessing disproportionate assets and misappropriating NRHM funds.
Pramod Kumar Singh previously served as the contractual Block Accounts Manager at the Primary Health Centre (PHC) in Jharia cum Jodapokhar District Health Society.
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Misappropriation of NRHM funds
According to the charges, Singh, along with the late Shashi Bhushan Prasad, the medical officer in charge of the PHC, was jointly authorized to withdraw and allocate NRHM funds. However, they allegedly misused their official positions and misappropriated government funds amounting to Rs 9.39 crores, which were allocated to the PHC.
Singh is accused of illegally transferring the aforementioned funds from two Jodapokhar PHC accounts into his bank accounts or those of his family members.
Acquisition of assets through illicit means
The ED’s investigation also revealed that Pramod Kumar Singh acquired movable and immovable properties in his name, as well as in the names of his wife, Priya Singh, and other associates. These properties were allegedly purchased using proceeds derived from the misappropriated funds and were falsely presented as legitimate assets.
Earlier, the ED conducted six searches and one survey at Pramod Singh’s residence, leading to the seizure of incriminating evidence. The searches resulted in the recovery of three high-end luxury vehicles, Rs 2.19 lakh in cash, and the freezing of Rs 4 lakh in bank account balances.
The ED official confirmed that the investigation into the case is still ongoing, with further actions likely to follow as more evidence is uncovered.